Crafted by renowned Golf Course Architects Joe Lee and Dick Wilson, the Cavalry Golf Club made its debut to widespread acclaim on June 26, 1965. In place of the former horse barns, now stood a gleaming new clubhouse, overlooking the picturesque sweep of Limestone Creek, with a meticulously designed golf course at its heart. This transformation marked a significant departure from the site's earlier purpose, once a training ground where troopers and their mounts prepared for battle. Guided by visionary leadership, notably from veterans of Company C, and bolstered by the enthusiastic involvement of associate members, this evolution took shape.
Our 18-hole golf course, nestled amid the undulating terrain of Manlius, NY, has flourished since its inception. Over the years, our club's reputation has soared, earning recognition as one of the premier country clubs in New York State. With state-of-the-art facilities, captivating surroundings, and a devoted membership, the Cavalry Club embodies excellence. Yet, amidst our achievements, let us never lose sight of our origins—the citizen soldiers of the past century who bestowed upon us this rich legacy. Their legacy remains the cornerstone of our identity, and the success of the Cavalry Club stands as a tribute to their enduring memory.